WP Inventory Manager Item Management
The following actions can be utilized while managing items. If you want to process an extra function or set of rules after someone takes an action on an item then these hooks would be helpful.
Listing Items
wpim_admin_items_pre_listing – Hook that runs right before items are rendered in the admin dashboard.
wpim_admin_action_links – Hook to splice in your own custom action link in the ‘action’ column of the items page in the admin dashboard.
wpim_admin_edit_form_after_$field – Replacing $field with the appropriate field name allows you to splice in your own custom field.
Deleting Items
wpim_pre_delete_item – This hook runs before an item is actually deleted in the system.
wpim_post_delete_item – This hook runs directly after the item has been deleted.
Editing an Item
wpim_admin_pre_edit_item – Hook that retrieves item details prior to them being displayed on the page. This is in the dashboard item detail page.
Saving an Item
wpim_save_item – This hook runs at the time of saving / updating.